Autumn Fudge Blog - Blog 6 - Rhubarb and Ginger Fudge

Welcome to the 6th blog in our Autumn Fudge blog series! In this blog, we’re sharing some fun facts about the ingredients within our 6th Autumn Fudge Flavour - Rhubarb and Ginger Fudge!

Fun facts about Rhubarb
The word Rhubarb comes from the Latin word “rhababarum” which means the root of the barbarians and the Romans used to label people who ate rhubarb “barbarians”.
The colour of a Rhubarb stalk will determine the flavour: the darker the red stalk, the sweeter the flavour.
This vegetable requires cold winters to grow and as a result, it’s mainly found in mountainous regions around the world.
Facts about Ginger
Ginger is great for the colder months because it helps relieve congestion. Ginger has antiviral actions including preventing viruses from attaching to cell walls and keeping you away from infections. Check out our 4th blog if you’d like to find out more fun facts about Ginger!
Ochil Fudge Pantry's Rhubarb and Ginger Fudge
We combined the delicious flavours of rhubarb and ginger to create our 6th Autumn Fudge Flavour - Rhubarb and Ginger Fudge. Each mouthful of this delicious autumnal and unique Fudge Flavour begins with a bite of Rhubarb that smacks you in the mouth and just when you think, “where is the ginger flavour” it arrives and as we use stem Ginger, it builds to a warm crescendo as the fudge melts away in your mouth. Crumbly and smooth our Rhubarb and Ginger Fudge is rather moreish, perfect to enjoy curled up on the couch in the colder evenings.